
Short Video Shopping Ads

What are Short Video Shopping Ads

Short Video Shopping Ads are an e-commerce ad format for Douyin E-commerce. This focused ad format allows advertisers to display shoppable content through short video shopping ads, targeting users most likely to click and purchase.

What is Douyin E-commerce

Since the launch of Douyin’s Lite Shop as an in-app store in June 2020, Douyin E-commerce has quickly evolved into a top e-commerce platform in China.

Compared to traditional online shopping where consumers actively research and purchase a particular item across multiple different platforms, Douyin E-commerce revolutionizes the online shopping experience by building a closed purchase loop based on interest-based shopping.

Leveraging its interest-based recommendation system and in-app commerce ecosystem, Douyin E-commerce offers consumers a convenient and intuitive way to discover and buy products.

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