Plan ahead by setting your China marketing calendar and knowing trend during Chinese shopping holidays like Double 11, Double 12 and 618.OE.
Learn how Ocean Engine and their agency partner, Nordic Friend, plan to help Finnish universities boost student recruitment from China using Douyin.
6 key takeaways from the baby & maternity industry in China at this year's CBME Expo and Douyin E-commerce Global's Trends Week.
Samyang Foods boosted e-commerce sales and won an industry award after launching a dance challenge on Douyin, China's top video-sharing app.
Take advantage of China marketing calendar to boost unique e-commerce marketing and social media campaign in 2024.
Experts share successful strategies to assist global brands break into China's cross-border market, including interest-commerce on Douyin.
Planning to advertise in China? Set your marketing calendar and learn the intricacies of content marketing and social media marketing in China.
Catch up on the latest insights from the 2023 Inbound Marketing Summit hosted by Ocean Engine, including Douyin livestreaming and social commerce trends.